Intrinsic Motivation underpins all our services because...
Research finds that intrinsic motivation/passion drives SELF-GROWTH, TALENT DEVELOPMENT, SELF-DIRECTION, ACADEMIC SUCCESS, POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH, and much more!
Sections On This Page
Passion reveals a person's gifts and talents
Passion reveals what a person wants to self-direct themselves toward
Passion motivates people to go the extra mile, perform at higher levels than extrinsically motivated people (e.g. motivated by money or reward), and makes people feel their best
Passionate professionals are happy and successful in their careers
Passionate students do their best in school
Passion is a prime element in many important theories of human development, learning, experience, and achievement
TED Talks that emphasize passion
Videos that emphasize Passion
Passion reveals a person's gifts and talents
Research shows that one the most self-directed groups of students are gifted and talented students. This group is most likely to pursue learning and growth without the direction or pushing of parents and teachers. Most research shows that the primary source of self-direciton comes from passion and intrinsic motivaiton. In other words, gifts and talents are intimately tied to what people are passionate about. By using passion as the starting point, Passion Coaching helps students tap into their gifts and talents.
Passion reveals what a person wants to self-direct themselves toward
Passion and intrinsic motivation are primary sources of self-direction in learning and life. That's because passion is what naturally motivates someone to learn, try hard, and persist. When a person learns to harness and cultivate their passions they can self-direct their own learning, growth, goals, and aspirations. Passion Coaching teaches students how to harness their passions to set and pursue goals that build self-direction and self-confidence.
Recommended readings:
An Investigation of Self-Directed Learning Skills of Undergraduate Students
Teaching for Purpose: Preparing Students for Lives of Meaning
Self-directed learners have the following characteristics*:
They set clear goals for themselves.
They shape their learning process in line with goals and plans.
They monitor their own learning process.
They evaluate the outcomes of their own learning.
They are autonomous.
They have self-motivation.
They are open to learning.
They are curious.
They are willing to learn.
They value learning.
They have self-control.
They take initiative to learn (Knowles, 1975; Knowles, 1977; Jennett, 1992 cited in Brockett and Hiemstra, 1991)
*Source: An Investigation of Self-Directed Learning Skills of Undergraduate Students
Taken from "Self-Directed Learning: A Core Concept in Adult Education"
Self-direction is synonomous with "self-help", "self-improvement", and "self-education".
Humanistic theory regards each human being as unique, and this uniqueness calls for an individualized approach to learning. It regards self-direction as the process, as well as the end product of learning. (e motivation to learning is intrinsic and emanates from the learner. Humanistic theory has a purpose to produce individuals who have the potential for self-actualization and are self-directed and internally motivated ([39], p. 1562). Self-actualization is to fulfill your potentiality and is the highest level of human growth. From this point of view, an individual is seen as the best judge of whether his or her learning meets his or her needs and interests. The teacher is a facilitator or a partner in the learning process.
Taken From "An Investigation of Self-Directed Learning Skills of Undergraduate Students"
Self-directed learning is a process where individuals take primary charge of planning, continuing and evaluating their learning experiences (Merriam et al., 2007). In self-directed learning, the responsibility to learn shifts from an external source (teacher, etc.) to the individual.
Self-directed learners may be said to have high motivation levels, theye are keen on self-development and they aim to sustain their education.
Passion motivates people to go the extra mile, perform at higher levels than extrinsically motivated people (e.g. motivated by money or reward), and makes people feel their best
“Intrinsic, task-focused motivation is also essential to creativity. People rarely do truly creative work in an area unless they really love what they are doing and focus on the work rather than the potential rewards.” (Beghetto, 2010)
"Students who engaged in schoolwork for intrinsic reasons reported more involvement, persistence, participation, and curiosity along with less boredom in school activities than students who reported being extrinsically motivated. Intrinsically motivated students also reported feeling less anxious and angry, more confident, and less likely to avoid schoolwork or to fake diligence.” (Stipek, 2002)
“Intrinsically motivated people function in performance settings in much the same way as those high in achievement motivation do: They pursue optimal challenges, display greater innovativeness, and tend to perform better under challenging conditions.” (Koestner, 1987)
“The [eminent] creator must focus on the intrinsic properties of the task, not on potential rewards or criticisms that await the outcome.” (Simonton, 1990)
“While engaging in a task that they find intrinsically interesting, individuals feel that their involvement is free of strong external control: they get the sense that they are playing rather than working.” (Hennessey, 2005)
“Creativity generally flourishes under conditions that support intrinsic motivation (signified by enjoyment, interest, involvement, and focus on personally challenging tasks).”
“All the breakthrough innovators I studied invested heavily in self-education. They were avid consumers of knowledge, but they followed their own rhythms rather than an instructor's pace. They went deeply into a topic or broadly across topics they chose rather than following the path of the syllabus. They were fueled by intrinsic motivation--a true love of learning--even if they had no love for school.” (Schilling, 2018)
“Teachers must help students find what excites them to unleash their students’ best creative performances.” (Note: This is different from “making learning fun”.) (Sternberg, 2011)
Some of the most exhilarating experiences we undergo are generated inside the mind, triggered by information that challenges our ability to think. (Callahan, 2005)
When students are more motivated by rewards and approval they use less sophisticated learning strategies and score lower on standardized test scores. (Boggiano, 1991)
Passionate professionals are happy and successful in their careers
Self-Determination Theroy: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness
Multiple types of motives don't multiply the motivation of West Point cadets
The Passion Economy: The New Rules for Thriving in the Twenty-First Century
Intrinsic: How we can re-ignite our inner drive in a rewards-based world
Also see Passionate Professionals
Passionate students do their best in school
Preschoolers practice writing longer (Lepper, M. R., & Greene, D., 1973)
Elementary and middle school students are more motivated to do homework (Stipek, D., 2002)
5th graders earn higher GPAs and class grades (Skinner, E. A., Chi, U., 2012)
Grade school students seek out more challenging learning and take more initiative (Stipek, D., 2002)
Grade school students show more excitement for learning (Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M., 2009)
High school graduates earn higher incomes (Rounds. J. & Su. R., 2014)
High school students drop out less (Ruiz-Gallardo, J.-R., Verde, A., & Valdes, A., 2013)
College students earn higher GPAs (Black, A. E., & Deci, E. L., 2000)
STEM college students master course work and are excited to take summer courses (Renninger, K. A., & M. W. Nam, 2012)
Military college graduates earn higher rankings, earlier promotions, and make longer commitments (A. Wrzesniewski, i, B. Schwartz, X. Cong, M. Kane, A. Omar, & T. Kolditz., 2014)
1. Initiate learning activities on their own (Self-directed learning)
2. Prefer challenging tasks or pursue challenging aspects of tasks
3. Spontaneously make connections between school learning and activities or interests outside of school
4. Ask questions that go beyond the specific task at hand in order to expand their knowledge beyond the immediate lesson
5. Go beyond the requirements
6. Are reluctant to stop working on tasks they have not completed
7. Work on tasks whether or not extrinsic reasons (e.g., grades, close teacher supervision) are salient
8. Smile and appear to enjoy working on tasks
9. Express pride in their achievements
*Source: Stipek, D. (2002). Motivation to Learn: Integrating theory and practice. 4th Ed. A Pearson Education Company.
Passion is a prime element in many important theories of human development, learning, experience, and achievement
Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan)
Rage To Master (Winner)
Creative-Productive Giftedness (Renzulli)
Flow (Csikszentmihalyi)
4 Stage Model of Interest Development (Hidi & Renninger)
Breakthrough Innovators (Schilling)
Beyonders (Torrance)
Moral Exemplar (Damon and Colby)
Successful Intelligence (Sternberg)
Entrepreneurial Giftedness (Shavanina)
Experience Producing Drive (Johnson)
Componential Model of Creativity (Amabile)
Grit (Duckworth)
Growth Mindset (Dweck)
Protean Career Orientation (Hall, Feldman & Kim)
Career Construction Theory (Savickas)
Local Hero (Berkowitz)
TED Talks that emphasize passion
In General